Conductivity is an ability of a substance (liquids, solids, gas), to conduct electricity and heat. The conductivity can only show the amount that are dissolved in water in total. The unit is expressed in Siemens per meter [S/m] in SI units or usually by microsiemens per centimeter [µS/cm]. TDS stands for "Total Dissolved Solids" and is approximated by conductivity using a multiplication factor and expressed in parts per million (ppm). The following conversion key applies: 1.2 µS/cm = 1 ppm = 1 mg/l.
Our conductivity
sensor is a cost-effective solution for continuous online monitoring of
conductivity/TDS of your process water. With 4-20mA or MODBUS/RS485 output, it
can be easily connected to our multiparameter system NTM and read sensor